Notice: This material is excerpted from Special Edition Using HTML, 2nd Edition, ISBN: 0-7897-0758-6. This material has not yet been through the final proof reading stage that it will pass through before being published in printed form. Some errors may exist here that will be corrected before the book is published. This material is provided "as is" without any warranty of any kind.
by Mark Brown
Not all the popular extensions to HTML
have sprung fully formed from the forehead of
Communications Corporation.
3.0 proposals have been the source of many so-called
enhancements, and even some of the
extensions most closely associated with the Netscape name came originally
from other vendors.
Mosaic, for example, lays claim to having implemented client-side
first, whereas
file upload was originally proposed by
Netscape is the driving force behind most of the changes to HTML
because it has a huge 80 percent share of the
browser installed base.
developers naturally follow
lead, making use of new Netscape Navigator features as they appear. Conversely,
few Web sites use
extensions that have not yet made their way into Navigator, because they
would not be visible by 80 percent of their visitors. However, that doesn't
deter Microsoft from introducing new and modified HTML elements in their
browser program, Internet Explorer. You may get the feeling, in fact, that
Microsoft considers themselves to be in a dead heat with Netscape. Each
company seems determined to not only catch up with but also outdo the other
with each new release of their software. That's good. It drives the technology.
In this chapter, you find out about HTML extensions that have not yet made their way into Netscape Navigator-at least, not as of version 2.0. Read on and you learn about the following:
Web browser client, debuted as part of the initial release of the
95 operating system. It was intended to serve as the built-in browser for
the then brand-new Microsoft Network on-line service. Though
drew far fewer users to MSN than they intended,
Explorer built a following among early Win95 users, becoming the Web browser
of choice (or at least, of convenience) for many of them. With the addition
of a few absolutely necessary features such as tables in version 2.0-and
not insubstantial
clout behind
Explorer is shaping up as a serious challenger to
Navigator. Now that it has been ported to Windows and the Macintosh, its
user base is bound to expand, if for no other reason than the fact that
people like to have a choice.
2.0 of Internet Explorer has many features in common with
2.0. Both support tables, client pull, and client-side imagemaps, for example.
Explorer even beat Netscape to the punch with some features-named colors,
for example. However, Netscape has since leapfrogged Microsoft on this
feature. Where Explorer has a palette
of 16 named colors, as shown in table 16.1, Navigator now has 140 (see
table 15.4).
Table 16.1 Named colors in Microsoft
Internet Explorer version 2.0.
Black | Silver |
Maroon | Red |
Green | Lime |
Olive | Yellow |
Navy | Blue |
Purple | Fuchsia |
Teal | Aqua |
Gray | White |
What's in a Color Name?
Unfortunately, Internet Explorer and Netscape Navigator aren't very sophisticated in the way they handle color names they don't know. If they don't recognize a color name, they try-really, I am not making this up-to interpret the letters in the name as a hexadecimal number! As you might surmise, absolutely no correlation whatsoever exists between the hue of a named color and the color produced by interpreting its name as a
hex number. The resulting color can be just about anything.
If, for example, you use the color named "wheat" in Netscape Navigator, it's a nice
wheat-field shade of yellow because "
wheat" is one of Navigator's named colors. However,
Internet Explorer doesn't have a clue what color "
wheat" is, so it tries to turn the letters in "wheat" into a hex number, and ends up rendering it as a sort of lime green. If you misspell the color as "what," both programs interpret it as a dark, pool-table felt kind of green. That's a long way from wheat-field yellow.
You should consider yourself lucky that both browsers misinterpret unknown color names in the same way.
NCSA Mosaic-which doesn't know any color names at all-interprets "what" as a dithered dark blue, and "wheat" as a different dithered blue just a shade lighter.
I suppose this means that you really have an entire dictionary full of named colors that are presented in the same way by both Navigator and Explorer and quite differently by Mosaic. You could exploit this bug by, for example, naming colors "tuba" (medium green) or "epistemology" (medium red) or even "Grant's Tomb" (dark red), and the two most popular browser programs would faithfully represent them on the screen as un-mnemonic (but consistent) hues. If you have a twisted mind-if, for instance, you are a programmer-this scheme might appeal to you. I'd watch for Microsoft and Netscape to fix this "feature" (deep purple) in future versions, however.
Just watch your use of color names, and be aware that not all browsers know exactly what to do with them.
In the following few pages, you examine HTML extensions that are unique to Microsoft Internet Explorer 2.0.
Unknown Tags and Attributes
HTML is defined so that a browser simply throws away element tags and attributes that it doesn't recognize. This means that
Netscape Navigator doesn't crash, choke, or throw up terrible, threatening error messages when it sees an Explorer-specific HTML element and vice versa. Thus, experimenting with tags and attributes that are browser-specific is easy (and fun!), as long as you remember to test your pages on both before posting them on the Net.
Make especially sure that no real information is hidden somewhere that only one browser can display.
Explorer's new BGSOUND tag lets you create pages with background sounds. When you load a page using a BGSOUND command, the sound plays automatically, and the LOOP attribute controls how many times it plays. Sounds can consist of .Wav or .Au sampled sound files or MIDI (.Mid) music files. Here's an elementary example:
<BGSOUND SRC="carhorn.wav">
attribute contains the
of the source file to be played. The sound "carhorn.wav" in the
preceding example plays once when the page is loaded. Here are two examples
that play more than once using the
<BGSOUND SRC="carhorn.wav" LOOP=5> <BGSOUND SRC="carhorn.wav" LOOP=INFINITE>
The first example plays five times; the second plays until you leave the page (which will probably be soon with an infinite car horn sound playing!). LOOP can have any integer value or be INFINITE; -1 is the same as specifying INFINITE.
Explorer, like Netscape, adds the BACKGROUND, BGCOLOR, LINK, TEXT,
attributes to the
tag. But it also adds three more that Netscape doesn't have (at least,
BGPROPERTIES must be used in conjunction with the BACKGROUND
attribute, and can have only one value, FIXED:
specifies a "
which is a non-scrolling BACKGROUND. In other words, when you
scroll up and down the page, the text, images, and other elements move,
but the background image doesn't. This
can make users dizzy, so make sure you don't use it with a really busy
LEFTMARGIN and TOPMARGIN define left and top margins for the page in pixels, like this:
If either has a value of "0", the margin is set smack up against the edge of the window, as shown in figure 16.1.
This page uses Explorer's
attributes to jam the page flush against the left margin and drop
it down by 100 pixels from the top.
Like Netscape, Explorer adds the BASEFONT
tag, as well as the FONT tag with COLOR and SIZE attributes. But it
adds one more attribute to FONT: FACE, which is used to define the
or typeface, for the tagged text. Here's the generic format:
<FONT FACE="name [,name2] [,name3]">Text.</FONT>
attribute takes a list consisting of one or more
names. If the first named
is available on the system, it is used for the tagged text. If not, the
second is used, and so on. If none of the
are available, the text is displayed in the default
Here's a real-world example:
<FONT FACE="Times New Roman", "Courier New", "Frankenstein">Welcome!</FONT>
In this example, the message Welcome! would be displayed in the Times New Roman font, if available. If not, Courier New would be used, or Frankenstein if Courier New didn't exist.
Explorer adds these Netscape-compatible
extensions to the
USEMAP.(Remember, USEMAP is the tag that allows you to
create client-side imagemaps.)
But Internet
Explorer 2.0 adds an additional extremely powerful feature to the
tag, thus enabling you to embed .avi video clips in Web pages (like
the little spinning cup of coffee (a brilliant lampoon of HotJava's animated
steaming coffee cup!) in fig. 16.2). Navigator
lets you use the separate EMBED tag, but EMBED also requires
that you install a matching plug-in application. In Explorer, .avi
playback capability is built right in.
This sample page at demos Explorer's capability to add inline .avi videos using the new DYNSRC attribute of the IMG tag.
Several new attributes have been added to IMG to control video playback. The one that makes it all work is DYNSRC (Dynamic Source), which defines the URL of the source .avi file to play:
<IMG DYNSRC="cartoon.avi">
For non-video-capable browsers, you can include a normal SRC command to indicate an alternate GIF or JPG image to display in its place, like this:
<IMG SRC="mickey.gif" DYNSRC="cartoon.avi">
The ultimate in Web
page design politeness is to include
text for
browsers as well:
<IMG SRC="mickey.gif" DYNSRC="cartoon.avi" ALT="Mickey Mouse Cartoon">
Most stand-alone video players have a control bar, and you can add one
under a video
image by using the
<IMG DYNSRC="cartoon.avi" CONTROLS>
Like BGSOUND, video playback can be controlled using the LOOP attribute:
<IMG DYNSRC="cartoon.avi" LOOP=5>
The preceding example plays the video five times and then stops. As with BGSOUND, the LOOP attribute can also be set to INFINITE, which is equivalent to a numeric value of -1.
START is the final new attribute for controlling video playback. You can set it equal to values of FILEOPEN and/or MOUSEOVER, like this:
This video begins playing as soon as the file is loaded (FILEOPEN)
and plays again any time the user moves the mouse
pointer over the
image (MOUSEOVER).
Of course, you can apply all the standard IMG attributes, such as HEIGHT, WIDTH, and so on, to videos.
Here's a real-world example that combines all Explorer's
video-specific playback options:
<IMG SRC="mickey.gif" DYNSRC="cartoon.avi" ALT="Mickey Mouse Cartoon" LOOP=2 START=FILEOPEN>
This example displays the text Mickey
Mouse Cartoon on text-only browsers and the image mickey.gif on a
graphic browser other than Explorer. On Explorer, it plays the video cartoon.avi
as soon as it's loaded (START=FILEOPEN) twice (LOOP=2).
You may get the impression that many of Explorer's
extensions to
are meant to compete directly with the
demos being shown by
Microsystems. They typically display small animations (which Explorer 2.0
can now re-create by playing inline .avi videos) and scrolling marquees.
Explorer has added a new MARQUEE HTML tag just for creating the
A variety of special attributes exist for controlling Explorer
marquees. Here's a bare-bones MARQUEE definition:
<MARQUEE>Scrolling Scrolling Scrolling</MARQUEE>
As you can see, MARQUEE is just a pair of text tags like, for example, <B></B> for bold. Any text within the <MARQUEE></MARQUEE> tags scrolls sideways.
The BEHAVIOR attribute lets you pick how the text moves. With a value of SCROLL, text scrolls in from one side and off the other. SLIDE scrolls in from one side and stops as soon as the text touches the opposite margin. ALTERNATE bounces text back and forth within the marquee.
Which way does the text move? You set that by using the DIRECTION
attribute, which can have either of the values LEFT or RIGHT.
(DIRECTION indicates which direction the text moves to, not the
direction it comes from.) The following example uses both the BEHAVIOR
This example slides the text "Watch me slide!" in from the left to the right, where it stops and stays. The defaults are DIRECTION=LEFT and BEHAVIOR=SCROLL, which means that
<MARQUEE>Scrolling text</MARQUEE>
creates the same effect as
Beyond these basics, MARQUEE offers an incredible amount of control over the way your marquee looks and acts. Table 16.2 lists all the attributes that affect a marquee's appearance.
Table 16.2 MARQUEE attributes.
MARQUEE recognizes an additional attribute that Microsoft has
apparently not documented: BORDER. BORDER=n
specifies an internal border, which is normally blank but which is rendered
in the LINK or VLINK color if the MARQUEE is
a link.
Keeping It between the Borders
Carefully note the difference between the BORDER attribute and the HSPACE and VSPACE attributes.
HEIGHT and WIDTH define the marquee size. HSPACE and VSPACE carve away the outside portions of this space to define a "no-man's land" where outside elements can't appear. Then BORDER eats away a symmetrical chunk of what's left and allocates it as a border, which is normally invisible but which will appear as a border in the LINK or VLINK color if the marquee is defined as a link (that is, is surrounded by <A HREF="URL"></A> tags). Unfortunately, if you do make a marquee into a link, the scrolling text is also colored with the LINK or
VLINK color and, depending on the viewer's browser setting, may be underlined as well (see fig. 16.3).
Note, too, that the BGCOLOR fills only the space that's left over after BORDER, HSPACE, and VSPACE are done.
Think of HEIGHT and WIDTH as defining the whole space reserved for the marquee. HSPACE and VSPACE take chunks from the outside edges of this space and use it for external margins. Then BORDER takes another piece from what's left and allocates it as an outline border. Finally, BGCOLOR colors the remaining space, and that's the place where the marquee appears.
Here's a MARQUEE that uses all the options:
The marquee text is big because you've surrounded the MARQUEE code with
<FONT SIZE=7></FONT>. This marquee scrolls (BEHAVIOR=SCROLL)
the text "Welcome to the Wonderful World of Scrolling Marquees!"
in from the left moving to the right (DIRECTION=RIGHT) forever (LOOP=INFINITE).
The marquee window is red (BGCOLOR="red") and is-including borders
and marginal space-175
pixels tall (HEIGHT=175) and two-thirds as wide as the browser window (WIDTH=67%).
Outside the active marquee are horizontal margins of 20 pixels (HSPACE=20)
on each side and vertical margins of 10 pixels (VSPACE=10) above and below.
An additional 50-pixel wide border appears around the marquee; it appears
in the LINK color because you have the whole marquee within the <A HREF="marquee.htm"></A>
tags. (Note that this has the unfortunate side effect of underlining the
marquee text because the Explorer preferences are set to underline text
links.) The text moves every 25 milliseconds (SCROLLDELAY=25) and scrolls
3 pixels (SCROLLAMOUNT=3) at a time. The following text "Hi there"
is aligned with the middle (ALIGN=MIDDLE) of the marquee, is 20 pixels
away from the outside edge of the marquee border (HSPACE=20), and is in
the default size because it lies outside the closing </FONT> tag.
Figure 16.3 shows the resulting marquee (frozen in time, alas).
The Internet
Explorer displays this MARQUEE defined by the example
Explorer supports the
3.0 table standard, just as Netscape does. But it adds a couple of twists
of its own.
You can right-align an Explorer
table by adding
to the
tag specification, like this:
Left alignment is, of course, the default.
The most interesting (and certainly the most colorful) Microsoft enhancement
to tables is the addition of the BGCOLOR tag. You can use it to add color
to an entire table and to individual cells as well. The following example
creates a table with the "teal"
background color:
By adding a BGCOLOR tag to each opening TD tag, you can define a unique background color for each individual cell in a table. Here's the syntax:
<TD BGCOLOR=#ffdddd>Hello</TD>
In either command, you can use a hexadecimal color value or one of Microsoft's 16 named colors.
Figure 16.4 shows an example of color
tables from Microsoft's
Web site that displays a table of all 16 named colors (shown here in glorious
shades of gray).
Explorer's BGCOLOR extension to the
TABLE elements lets you define the background color for an entire table
or for individual cells.
Mosaic was the first
browser for the
Wide Web; it drove the explosive early growth of the Web. In fact, it was
so pervasive in the early days of the Web's development that many people
mistakenly referred to the Web itself as "Mosaic."
Originally developed at the National
Center for
Applications at the
campus of the University of Illinois, both the
Mosaic executable and its source code were widely distributed for free.
This resulted in a proliferation of browser programs, almost all of which
were based to some degree on the original Mosaic code. Many even called
themselves by some variant of the "Mosaic" name. As the Web matured,
others developed original browsers (with their own names) not based on
the Mosaic code.
Eventually, Spyglass got the rights to develop Mosaic commercially and
now supplies various versions of Mosaic for OEM
distribution. Mosaic Communications Corporation-founded by Marc Andreesen,
the originator of Mosaic at NCSA-had to change the name to Netscape Communications
Corporation. And NCSA just kept right on turning out new versions of
Additional information on the early development of the Web is presented in chapter 1, "Overview of the Web"
Today, NCSA
Mosaic is still distributed for free, and government and
institutions can still obtain the source code for free, as well. It has
evolved considerably and is now available for Win95, Windows, Macintosh,
and UNIX platforms.
Development has slowed on NCSA Mosaic, however, and it is seldom the
browser that introduces new features first. It keeps up pretty well, though,
and the latest version sports such niceties as client pull, tables, the
attributes, and the ALIGN attribute for P and
And the latest version of NCSA
Mosaic does sport an
3.0 feature not yet implemented by the two major players, Explorer and
Navigator. NCSA Mosaic now includes integrated .wav sound file support.
It is implemented in not one, but two ways. The first is the proposed
3.0 SOUND tag, which has the format:
<SOUND SRC="audio.wav">
This tag supports two attributes:
This example waits 5 seconds and then plays the file audio.wav in an
infinite loop. A numeric
value for LOOP tells SOUND how many times to play; a value of INFINITE
loops forever.
In addition, NCSA
Mosaic also supports the full syntax of Microsoft's BGSOUND tag.
NCSA Mosaic doesn't support Netscape's <CENTER> tag, but it has changed the default alignment of paragraph and header tags to center. This means you add no ALIGN definition to these elements if you want them centered, and you must add ALIGN=LEFT to left-align them.
NCSA is encouraging the
adoption of the <
DIV ALIGN=CENTER> structure from HTML 3.0 rather than Netscape's <CENTER> element.
The evolution of Explorer and Mosaic raises the question of additions
and changes to HTML
that are being proposed for the upcoming
3.0 standard. Some things will be in there for sure-tables, for example.
Text flow around images is another sure thing. But other potential changes
haven't been implemented in any browser programs-yet!
3.0 introduces, for example, a new
tag for inline figures; it will provide for implementing client-side imagemaps
and text flow around figures. It will almost certainly supersede all the
current additions to the IMG command eventually.
3.0 will also add the capability to define
equations and formulas neatly on a
page, which will be a real boon to educational and research sites. The
proposed format is highly influenced by the
typesetting language.
3.0 will most likely include a
banner area for
logos, disclaimers, and menus; it will work in much the same way as "freezing"
the header row in a spreadsheet. The page will scroll, but not the banner.
A new LINK
element will provide standard
elements such as forward and back buttons. NOTE will add notes, cautions,
and footnotes. The LH tag will let Web pages designers create "folding"
Additions to forms will mean new controls, the ability to "scribble"
on an image, and audio input fields. Client-side scripting
of forms is also possible with a new script attribute for the
tag. Style sheets will add a great deal of flexibility to the appearance
pages, without cluttering them with a lot of superfluous markup elements.
These changes and many more are likely when HTML 3.0 is pronounced "official."
Netscape Navigator 2.0 and Microsoft Internet Explorer already implement
many of the HTML
3.0 proposed changes. Indeed, in many cases, Netscape and Microsoft have
been instrumental in proposing these changes. But they're not all in there
What follows is a short list of proposed changes and new elements that
are likely to be included in the HTML
3.0 specification. I've limited this list to elements not already discussed
elsewhere in this book. In other words, everything listed here is not really
being used by anyone, anywhere yet. This list is intended to be a quick
overview of what is probably coming, not a reference guide to coding in
HTML 3.0. That would be premature. I've listed each new element with a
sample of the proposed format, though all the attributes are not necessarily
explained here.
If you are interested in keeping abreast of the HTML 3.0 proposals, you can find them on the Web site of the W3 Consortium (W3C) at the following:
<ABBREV LANG="..." DIR=ltr|rtl ID="..." CLASS="...">text... </ABBREV>
<ACRONYM LANG="..." DIR=ltr|rtl ID="..." CLASS="...">text... </ACRONYM>
<AU LANG="..." DIR=ltr|rtl ID="..." CLASS="...">text... </AU>
<BANNER LANG="..." DIR=ltr|rtl ID="..." CLASS="...">text... </BANNER>
<CREDIT LANG="..." DIR=ltr|rtl ID="..." CLASS="...">text... </CREDIT>
<DEL LANG="..." DIR=ltr|rtl ID="..." CLASS="...">text... </DEL>
<DIV LANG="..." DIR=ltr|rtl ALIGN=left|center|right|justify ID="..." CLASS="..." NOWRAP CLEAR=left|right|all|"...">text... </DIV>
<FIG SRC="..." LANG="..." DIR=ltr|rtl ID="..." CLASS="..." CLEAR=left|right|all|"..." NOFLOW MD="..." ALIGN=left|right|center|justify|bleedleft|bleedright WIDTH=value HEIGHT=value UNITS="..." IMAGEMAP="..."></FIG>
<FN LANG="..." DIR=ltr|rtl ID="..." CLASS="...">text... </FN>
<INS LANG="..." DIR=ltr|rtl ID="..." CLASS="...">text... </INS>
<LANG ID="..." CLASS="...">text... </LANG>
Note that many of the proposed
HTML 3.0 tags have a LANG attribute. One of the driving forces behind the
HTML 3.0 proposals is to create an environment that is universally adaptable to a truly worldwide audience.
An attempt is also made to make presentation more flexible through the use of style sheets, which will not only allow viewers to interpret Web pages in ways that are more aesthetically pleasing to them, but will also make the Web more accessible to the physically challenged.
Through the use of LANG attributes and style sheets for language localization, user specification of large fonts and high-contrast screen colors, etc. ,
HTML 3.0 will make the Web much more accessible to those who cannot easily use it now.
<LH LANG="..." DIR=ltr|rtl ID="..." CLASS="...">text... </LH>
<MATH CLASS=chem> Fe_2_^2+^Cr_2_O_4_</MATH>
<NOTE LANG="..." DIR=ltr|rtl ID="..." CLASS="..." CLEAR=left|right|all|"..." SRC="..." MD="..."</NOTE>
<OVERLAY SRC="..." MD="..." UNITS=pixels|en X=value Y=value WIDTH=value HEIGHT=value IMAGEMAP="...">
<PERSON LANG="..." DIR=ltr|rtl ID="..." CLASS="...">text... </PERSON>
<Q LANG="..." DIR=ltr|rtl ID="..." CLASS="...">text... </Q>
<S LANG="..." DIR=ltr|rtl ID="..." CLASS="...">text... </S>
<TAB ID="..." INDENT=ens TO="..." ALIGN=left|center|right|decimal DP="...">text...
Though no browsers support the full
HTML 3.0 standard yet, the
W3 Consortium has made available the source code for a "
testbed" browser called Arena. This code is available to developers on the
W3 Web site at
Though Web pages couldn't
be created without
other technologies are at work on the Web, too. In fact, many of the most
impressive innovations on the Web in the near future are most likely to
come from outside the framework of
VRML (Virtual Reality Modeling Language) for example, is already at work on the Web, allowing sites to move into a 3-D virtual reality realm that is rapidly evolving into a true cyberspace.
Internet Explorer can currently display
VRML (Virtual Reality Modeling Language) 3-D worlds using an "add-in"
VRML module. (The terminology is a little different, but this approach is identical to Netscape's "plug-ins.")
However, Microsoft has proposed a new standard it calls ActiveVRML, which it says will be faster and more flexible. The technology is expected to debut in mid-1996, and will be incorporated into a future version of
Internet Explorer.
Compatible with current VRML worlds, ActiveVRML will, they say, make 3-D Web browsing practical at typical modem speeds. It builds on the Microsoft DirectX standard for multimedia hardware, so
graphics boards that adhere to DirectX will be able to display
ActiveVRML worlds quickly and efficiently.
ActiveVRML is essentially a framework for describing
interactive 3-D multimedia scenes, and it also provides the ability to plug in additional
software components written in
Visual Basic Script,
Java, and C++. It supports 2-D cel animation, 3-D geometry rendering, audio, and mouse and joystick input.
ActiveVRML has been proposed for inclusion in the
VRML 2.0 standard. A
beta version of the ActiveVRML specification is located on the Web at
Microsoft will make the source code for the reference implementation of the
ActiveVRML animation engine publicly available on the Net.
For the complete story on VRML, see chapter 17, "VRML"
languages are also changing the way the
works. JavaScript, which is built into Netscape Navigator 2.0, lets
page designers create animations, scrolling marquees, and
live content that would just not be possible using
Sun Microsystems, the developer of Java-which is the programming
language on which JavaScript is based-has even introduced a
browser program called HotJava. HotJava (free from Sun's site at
is itself written entirely in Java, and is intended as a demonstration
of what the language can do. HotJava can play live
applets inline, and
site features dozens of live demonstrations of the
capabilities, including some
The lowdown
is in chapter 26, "Java and JavaScript"
Microsoft is fighting back and promises to introduce Visual Basic Script.
This scripting
language will open up
page application programming to millions of
Basic programmers who might not be comfortable with the
syntax of JavaScript.
A fast, cross-platform subset of Visual
Basic Script will not only be shipped as a part of future versions of
Internet Explorer, it will also be distributed for free on the Internet.
It can be used to develop applications and can also link to OLE objects
and Java applets.
will propose
Basic Script to the
Consortium and the IETF as an open
scripting language standard. The source code will even be posted on the
so that third parties can implement it on other platforms.
The W3
Consortium has also worked with
Netscape, Spyglass, and
Microsystems to come up with a standard way of inserting live objects like
movies into
pages. If you recall, Netscape and Microsoft currently take two different
approaches to this: Navigator uses the EMBED tag, and Explorer uses a new
attribute for the
The new standard will allow multiple implementations of the same object
as, say, a Java
applet, an .avi movie, and an OLE object, with the browser able to pick
content that matches its capabilities. This standard will go a long way
toward making every
site accessible to every browser program, rather than requiring pages to
be set up to suit a particular brand of browser.
This standard for live content is implemented using new HTML
3.0 INSERT, PARAM, and
elements. INSERT takes the place of the
tag, and allows the Web designer to insert a variety of objects. PARAM
and ALIAS and a full set of attributes will provide a wide range of flexibility
in the presentation of
content. You can find the full specification at the following:
Clearly, the Web is bulging at the seams of HTML,
stretching it to its limit. In the future,
coding will just be the first step in creating a
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