Copyright ©1996, Que Corporation. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any form or by any means, or stored in a database or @retrieval system without prior written permission of the publisher except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews. Making copies of any part of this book for any purpose other than your own personal use is a violation of @United States copyright laws. For information, address Que Corporation, 201 West 103rd Street, Indianapolis, IN 46290 or at

Notice: This material is excerpted from Special Edition Using HTML, 2nd Edition, ISBN: 0-7897-0758-6. This material has not yet been through the final proof reading stage that it will pass through before being published in printed form. Some errors may exist here that will be corrected before the book is published. This material is provided "as is" without any warranty of any kind.

Appendix A HTML Tags

There are many @HTML elements, and each has its own set of attributes that it can use. This is a complete list of HTML tags, their corresponding attributes, and a description of what they do.

<!-- and --> Comment

You can put in a comment in your Web document by enclosing it between the <!-- beginning marker, and the --> ending marker. Some browsers will not properly handle HTML-related characters within the comments. Also, not all browsers correctly recognize the double dashes as being needed for the start of the comment. This @HTML tag has no attributes.

The following is an example of <!-- -->:

<!-- This line of text will only be seen by people who look at the HTML source. -->

<A>: Anchor

The @Anchor HTML tag is an important element for @hypertext links of any sort. The @Anchor element type can have the following attributes:

The following is an example of <A>:

<A HREF="" NAME="destination1"> Sample anchor element.</A>

<ABBREV>: Abbreviations

The proposed @Abbreviations tag will change some of the enclosed text into abbreviations. This does not change the actual text, just how it's displayed by the browser. This is a work in progress. The @Abbreviations tag can have the following attributes:

The following is an example of <ABBREV>:

<ABBREV>Some of these words will be abbreviated when displayed.</ABBREV>

<ACRONYM>: Acronym

The proposed HTML 3 tag, <ACRONYM>, will display the enclosed text with acronyms. This does not change the actual text, just how it's displayed by the browser. This is a work in progress. The @Acronym tag can have the following attributes:

The following is an example of <ACRONYM>:

<ACRONYM>Some of these words will be reduced to acronyms when displayed.</ACRONYM>

<ADDRESS>: Address

The <ADDRESS> tag is used to indicate an address, typically the e-mail address of the Web author. The @Address element can have the following attributes:

The following is an example of <ADDRESS>:

<ADDRESS>This page was created by me.</ADDRESS>


This proposed @HTML extension was introduced in @Netscape Navigator. When used, browsers that can run JAVA applications will run the specified JAVA applet. Parameters that you want to pass to a particular JAVA application can be done with the <PARAM> tag. <APPLET> can have the following attributes:

The following is an example of <APPLET>:

<APPLET CODE="myprogram" WIDTH=200 HEIGHT=200>My first JAVA applet.</APPLET>

<AREA>: Area for a Clickable Map

This proposed extension to @HTML by Netscape is used to create client-side @imagemaps. This tag is intended to specify one @clickable region on a graphic. <AREA> has the following attributes:

The following is an example of <AREA>:

<AREAD COORD="0,0","100,100" SHAPE=rect HREF="" ALT="Go to my site!">

<AU>: Author

This proposed @HTML 3 tag is used to indicate the name of an author. <AU> can have the following attributes:

The following is an example of <AU>:

The authors of this book are <AU>Mark Brown and John Jung</AU>.

<B>: Bold

This tag will make whatever text is enclosed within it display in a bold font. The <B> tag can have the following attributes:

The following is an example of <B>:

This word is in <B>bold</B>.

<BANNER>: Banner

This is a proposed @HTML 3 tag that will display something as a banner. The text in this tag will not scroll with the rest of the @HTML document. It's mainly intended to be used for company logos or navigational aids. You can use the following attributes:

The following is an example of <BANNER>:

<BANNER>This home page was created by MeSoft.</BANNER>

<BASE>: Base URL

The <BASE> @HTML element is used to indicate the default location of relative @URL links. This is useful in the event that you move your home page to another computer. If this happens, all relative links on that page will not have to be updated. This tag can have the following attributes:

The following is an example of <BASE>:


<BASEFONT>: Default Font Size

This @HTML element is used to indicate the default @font size for the current @HTML document. <BASEFONT> was originally introduced as an extension by Netscape. It has only one attribute: SIZE. This attribute indicates which default @font value to use. By default, the @font value used is 3. There are seven possible values for this attribute: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7. These do not indicate point sizes, but rather a predetermined font size.

The following is an example of <BASEFONT>:


<BDO>: Directional Override

This proposed tag is intended for the internationalization of HTML. The <BDO> tag is used to indicate how text should be displayed by the browser. It has the following attributes:

The following is an example of <BDO>:

<BDO DIR=ltr>This will cause text to flow from the left to the right.</BDO>

<BGSOUND>: Background Sound

@Microsoft introduced this proposed extension to @HTML for adding more flair to home pages. This will cause a sound file to be played in the background while the user is looking at the home page. This tag can have the following attributes:

The following is an example of <BGSOUND>:


<BIG>: Big

This is a proposed @HTML 3 tag that instructs the browser to make the enclosed text big. This can have the following attributes:

The following is an example of <BIG>:

This word will come out <BIG>BIG</BIG>

<BLINK>: Blink

This @HTML tag will cause the enclosed text to blink. This tag was introduced by Netscape as a proposed extension. Some people find the <BLINK> tag to be quite annoying.

The following is an example of <BLINK>:

See what's <BLINK>NEW</BLINK> at this page!

<BLOCKQUOTE>: Blockquote

When a browser comes across this @HTML tag, it will show the text as quoted text. This typically means that the text will be indented on both the left and right. <BLOCKQUOTE> can have the following attributes:

The following is an example of <BLOCKQUOTE>:

<BLOCKQUOTE>To be or not to be, that is the question.</BLOCKQUOTE>

<BODY>: Body

This @HTML tag encloses the body of the @Web page. Everything you want users to see is enclosed within the <BODY> tag. This element can have the following attributes:

The following is an example of <BODY>:


<BQ>: BlockQuote

This is a proposed @HTML 3 element that is intended to replace the <BLOCKQUOTE> tag. <BQ> is different from <BLOCKQUOTE> in that it does not imply word wrapping. This tag has the following attributes:

The following is an example of <BQ>:

<BQ>We hold these truths to be self-evident</BQ>

<BR>: Line Break

This @HTML tag forces a new line to be created at that point. This means that whether or not word wrap will take effect, the line break will occur. This element has the following attributes:

The following is an example of <BR>:

Even though this line may word wrap on your browser, it'll still have a line break at the end.<BR>

<CAPTION>: Caption

This @HTML 3 proposed tag was originally a @Netscape proposed extension. This element is used to attach a label to a table or a figure. <CAPTION> has the following attributes:

The following is an example of <CAPTION>:


<CENTER>: Center

This @Netscape-specific extension to @HTML will center all enclosed text. This has since been superseded by the HTML 3 proposals. Now, all text elements have an ALIGN attribute that can be set to center.


<CENTER>This text is centered on the browser.</CENTER>

<CITE>: Citation

The CITE element is used when you want to indicate a citation of some sort. It has the following attributes:


<CITE>Hamlet, ACT V, Scene I</CITE>

<CODE>: Source Code

The <CODE> element should be used when you want to indicate source code. If you're giving people instructions on how to do something with a computer, use this tag. You can use the following attributes:

The following is an example of <CODE>:

At the UNIX prompt, type in <CODE>ls -al</CODE>

<COL>: Column Defaults

There is a new proposed HTML 3 standard for table creation. One of the new tags included in that proposal is the <COL> element. You can use this element to define some standard behavior for table columns. This tag has the following attributes:

The following is an example of <COL>:

<COL ALIGN=char CHAR="." WIDTH="100mm">

<COLGROUP>: Column Group

The <COLGROUP> element is a container for a group of columns. It also enables you to set the defaults for all of these columns. This element has the following attribute:

The following is an example of <COLGROUP>:


<CREDIT>: Credit

This @HTML 3 proposed tag should be used to name the source of information. The following attributes are available:

The following is an example of <CREDIT>:

<CREDIT>By William Shakespeare</CREDIT>

<DD>: Definition List Data

If you choose to make use of a definition list in your home page, you'll need <DD>. This @HTML tag is used to indicate a definition for the definition list. A <DD> tag should always be preceded by a <DT> tag. The <DD> element has the following attributes:

The following is an example of <DD>:

<DD>Sample Definition</DD>

<DEL>: Delete

This HTML 3 tag is meant to supersede the <S> or <STRIKE> elements. Text enclosed within a <DEL> tag will be shown as strikethrough. You have the following attributes available:

The following is an example of <DEL>:

This is a <DEL>mistake<DEL>.

<DFN>: Definition

This @HTML 3 tag will have the browser display the enclosed text as a description. If the current @Web page makes use of a lot of definitions, you should use this tag. This element has the following attribute:

The following is an example of <DFN>:

<DFN>HTML-HyperText Markup Language</DFN>

<DIR>: Directory List

The <DIR> element is used when you want to create an unordered list of single-line elements. Each line in the <DIR> list is defined by the <LI> tag. You can apply the following attributes to the <DIR> tag:

The following is an example of <DIR>:


<DIV>: General Text Division

This proposed @HTML 3 tag is intended to be used to replace the Netscape-specific <CENTER> tag. It has the following attributes:

The following is an example of <DIV>:

<DIV ALIGN=center>This line is centered.</DIV>

<DL>: Definition List

If you're going to use a lot of definitions or have a page of definitions, you need this tag. Each entry in the definition list is made up of <DT> and <DD> tags. You can use the following attributes:

The following is an example of <DL>:

<DL><DT>Internet</DT><DD>A distributed collection of computers spread worldwide.</DD></DL>

<DT>: Definition List Title

This is one of the three HTML elements you need to use when creating a definition list. You create headings for your definitions with the <DT> tag. This @HTML element comes with the following attributes:

The following is an example of <DT>:

<DT>Definiton Heading</DT>

<EM>: Emphasis

There are a number of ways of making text stand out. Place this HTML tag around the text that you want to emphasize. It has the following attributes:

The following is an example of <EM>:

I repeat, you're <EM>WRONG</EM>!

<EMBED>: Embed Netscape Plugin

@Netscape Navigator 2.0 provides for the capability to insert arbitrary objects. This is done with the newly created Netscape-specific tag, <EMBED>. You have a number of attributes you can use:

The following is an example of <EMBED>:

<EMBED SRC="mymovie.dcr">

<FIG>: Figure

A new element in the HTML 3 proposal is the <FIG> tag, an improved <IMG> tag. You can include text elements as well as specify hotspots with other tags. You can also use the <OVERLAY> element to put overlays on top of figures. <FIG> has the following attributes:

The following is an example of <FIG>:

<FIG SRC=""></FIG>

<FN>: Footnote

A new proposed @HTML 3 tag is the footnote element. Currently, very few browsers support this tag. You have the following attributes available:

The following is an example of <FN>:

<FN>This is a footnote.</FN>

<FONT>: Font Size

The <FONT> element, first introduced by Netscape, enables various font manipulations. It has not been adopted as part of the new HTML 3 proposal. <FONT> has the following attributes:

The following is an example of <FONT>:


<FORM>: Fill Out Forms

The fill-out form is one of the best ways to get user input. The biggest drawback to using <FORM> is that you must have a CGI script to retrieve the information. Here is a list of attributes for this tag:

The following is an example of <FORM>:


<FRAME>: Frame

This is a new Netscape-specific HTML extension, which provides better handling of the browser's window. Netscape enables URLs to update certain frames or for some frames to remain on the browser. The <FRAME> tag has a number of attributes:

The following is an example of <FRAME>:


<FRAMESET>: Frame Setup

The <FRAMESET> tag is another proposed extension from Netscape to be used instead of the <BODY> element. This tag is used only to set up other frames that will be the actual page. You must use the <FRAME> element if you use this tag. You have a number of attributes available:

The following is an example of <FRAMESET>:

<FRAMESET COLS="50%,50%" ROWS="600, 400"></FRAMESET>

<H1>: Heading, Level 1

This @HTML tag displays text as the most prominent header. It has the following attributes:

The following is an example of <H1>:

<H1>This is the largest heading.</H1>

<H2>: Heading, Level 2

This @HTML tag displays text as the second most prominent header. It has the following attributes:

The following is an example of <H2>:

<H2>This is the second largest heading.</H2>

<H3>: Heading, Level 3

This @HTML tag displays text as the third most prominent header. It has the following attributes:

The following is an example of <H3>:

<H3>This is the third largest heading.</H3>

<H4>: Heading, Level 4

This @HTML tag displays text as the fourth most prominent header. It has the following attributes:

The following is an example of <H4>:

<H4>This is the fourth largest heading.</H4>

<H5>: Heading, Level 5

This @HTML tag displays text as the fifth most prominent header. It has the following attributes:

The following is an example of <H5>:

<H5>This is the fifth largest heading.</H5>

<H6>: Heading, Level 6

This @HTML tag displays text as the least prominent header. It has the following attributes:

The following is an example of <H6>:

<H6>This is the smallest heading.</H6>

<HEAD>: Head

This element is intended to hold information about the @HTML document. Although you can put other HTML elements within the <HEAD>, none of them will be displayed in the browser's window. This tag has the following attributes:

The following is an example of <HEAD>:

<HEAD><TITLE>This Is My Home Page</TITLE></HEAD>

<HR>: Horizontal Rule

When used, the <HR> tag creates a horizontal line. It has the following attributes:

The following is an example of <HR>:



This is the main container for a home page. All other @HTML tags contained within this element are shown in the browser window. This tag has the following attributes:

The following is an example of <HTML>:

<HTML>[Your home page]</HTML>

<I>: Italic

This tag will italicize the text that is enclosed within it. The <I> tag can have the following attributes:

The following is an example of <I>:

This word is in <I>italics</I>.

<IMG>: Image

Currently, any time you want to make use of graphics on your home page, you have to employ the <IMG> tag. This element enables you to specify imagemap information, hypertext link information, and positioning information. It has the following attributes

The following is an example of <IMG>:


<INPUT>: Input

This @HTML 3 proposed element works with the @FORM element. The <INPUT> tag enables the user to upload a file through the Web server. It has the following attributes:

The following is an example of <INPUT>:

<INPUT TYPE="SUBMIT" NAME="submit1" ALIGN="left">

<INS>: Insert

This proposed @HTML 3 element will display the enclosed text as inserted text. The text embedded by the starting and ending markers of this element, will be shown in a strikethrough font. This tag is mainly intended for legal documents and has the following attributes:

The following is an example of <INS>:

This is <INS>inserted text.</INS>

<ISINDEX>: Searchable Index

This HTML element is used before the <FORM> tag to indicate a searchable index. When this tag is put in the @HEAD section of the HTML document, the entire document can be examined using a keyword search. <ISINDEX> has the following attributes:

The following is an example of <ISINDEX>:


<KBD>: Keyboard

This @HTML element will cause the enclosed text to be displayed as @keyboard input. This is typically done when you want to give users instructions on what to type into the computer. This tag has the following attributes:

The following is an example of <KBD>:

Type in <KBD>ls</KBD> at the UNIX command prompt.

<LANG>: Default Language

This is a proposed @HTML 3 attribute that changes the LANG context. The text enclosed within this tag will have its LANG context changed, as well as all subsequent LANGs. This tag has the following attributes:

The following is an example of <LANG>:

The LANG context will <LANG>change.</LANG>

<LH>: List Header

This proposed HTML 3 element enables you to define the header for a list. This tag has the following attributes:

The following is an example of <LH>:

<LH>A Heading</LH>

<LI>: List Item

This attribute takes the enclosed text and makes it part of the list. This element has the following attributes:

The following is an example of <LI>:

<LI>A list item</LI>

<LINK>: Link

This @HTML tag is used to specify a relationship between the current @Web page and other @HTML documents. This element is used along with the @Anchor attribute REL. This element has the following attributes:

The following is an example of <LINK>:


<MAP>: Client-Side Imagemap

This Netscape proposed @HTML element describes @imagemap regions. The one attribute allowed is NAME, which points to a file with the imagemap regions defined.

The following is an example of <MAP>:


<MARQUEE>: Marquee

This @HTML element proposed by @Microsoft will create an area with scrolling text inside of it. The text to be scrolled is contained within the start and end markers of this element. This tag has the following attributes:

The following is an example of <MARQUEE>:

<MARQUEE BEHAVIOR="scroll" DIRECTION="left">This is a marquee.</MARQUEE>

<MENU>: Menu

This HTML element will display any <LI> enclosed within it in a menu list. @HTML 3 proposed to remove this element. This tag has the following attributes:

The following is an example of <MENU>:

<MENU><LI>Milk $1.00</LI><LI>Eggs $2.00</LI></MENU>

<META>: Meta Information

This @HTML tag is intended to specify document information not available with other @HTML elements. The information contained in this element may be extracted by the server or the browser. This tag has the following attributes:

The following is an example of <META>:


<NOBR>: No Line Break

This element is used to control line breaks on certain lines. The text enclosed within the beginning and ending markers will not word wrap based on the width of the browser.

The following is an example of <NOBR>:

<NOBR>This line of text will always be one line, regardless of how wide the browser window.</NOBR>

<NOEMED>: Non-Embedded Text

This @Netscape HTML extension element is intended to be used for browsers that understand, but don't implement, the <EMBED>/<NOEMBED> tags. If one of these browsers comes across the <NOEMBED> element, the enclosed text will be displayed. This is basically equivalent to the ALT attribute for the <IMG> element.

The following is an example of <NOEMBED>:

<NOEMBED>You'll only see this if your browser doesn't support the EMBED tag.</NOEMBED>

<NOFRAMES>: Non-Frames Text

This @Netscape HTML extension element is intended to be used for browsers that understand, but don't implement, the <FRAMESET>/<NOFRAMES> tags. If one of these browsers comes across the <NOFRAMES> element, the enclosed text will be displayed. This is basically equivalent to the ALT attribute for the <IMG> element.

The following is an example of <NOFRAMES>:

<NOFRAMES>You'll only see this if your browser doesn't support the FRAMESET tag.</NOFRAMES>

<NOTE>: Note

This proposed @HTML 3 element will cause the enclosed text to be displayed as a note. The <NOTE> tag has the following attributes:

The following is an example of <NOTE>:

<NOTE>This is a note.</NOTE>

<OL>: Ordered List

This HTML element will display any enclosed <LI> elements as an ordered list. The order is listed numerically. It has the following attributes:

The following is an example of <OL>:

<OL ALIGN=LEFT SEQNUM=5>This is an item in an ordered lists.</OL>

<OPTION>: Option Form

This @HTML element identifies a particular selection in the @SELECT element. You can set the following attributes:

The following is an example of <OPTION>:


<OVERLAY>: Overlay A Graphic

This proposed HTML 3 tag is intended to be used along with the <FIG> element. The <OVERLAY> tag enables you to overlay an image on top of a <FIG> image. It has the following attributes:

The following is an example of <OVERLAY>:

<OVERLAY SRC="overlay.gif" HEIGHT=200 WIDTH=150 X=50 Y=50>

<P>: Paragraph Break

This @HTML tag will prevent the enclosed text from being word wrapped. The browser will not attempt to word wrap the text contained in this element. You can set the following attributes:

The following is an example of <P>:

<P>This line of text will always be this long, regardless of the size of the browser.</P>

<PARAM>: JAVA Parameter

This @HTML element is proposed to support @JAVA applets. It enables the Web author to specify parameters to be passed to the <APPLET> application. This tag has the following attributes:

The following is an example of <PARAM>:

<PARAM NAME="myvar" VALUE="true">

<PERSON>: Person

This proposed @HTML 3 tag will cause the enclosed text to be displayed as the name of a person. This element is used for indexing programs to automatically extract these names. It has the following attributes:

The following is an example of <PERSON>:


<PRE>: Preformatted Text

This @HTML tag will display the enclosed text as is and in @monospaced characters. Normally, text elements will remove multiple spaces and line breaks to clean up the output. The use of <PRE> will prevent this. This element has the following attributes:

The following is an example of <PRE>:

<PRE>I can put as many       spaces       as I want, and they'll all show up!</PRE>

<Q>: Quotation

This proposed @HTML 3 element will display the enclosed text as a quotation. The LANG context defines the appropriate quotation marks. There are a number of attributes you can set:

The following is an example of <Q>:

<Q>Ask not what your country can do for you.</Q>

<S>: Strikethrough

This proposed HTML 3 element replaces the <STRIKE> tag. This will display a strikeout line through the enclosed text. This tag has the following attributes:

The following is an example of <S>:

This word appears as a <S>strikethrough</S>.

<SAMP>: Sample

This element displays the enclosed text as a sampling of text. You have the following attributes available:

The following is an example of <SAMP>:

This word is a <SAMP>sample</SAMP>

<SELECT>: Select Menu

This form element creates a menu of selectable entries. The selectable entries are defined by the <OPTION> element. The <SELECT> tag has the following attributes:

The following is an example of <SELECT>:


<SMALL>: Small

This proposed @HTML 3 and @Netscape element will cause the enclosed text to be displayed in a smaller @font. This tag has the following attributes:

The following is an example of <SMALL>:

This text is a lot <SMALL>smaller</SMALL>.

<SPAN>: Span Languages

This internationalization proposed element is used to set @language characteristics. Whatever text is enclosed within the markers for this element, will have the specified language characteristics. It has the following attributes:

The following is an example of <SPAN>:

Many languages are supported by<SPAN>this</SPAN> element.

<STRONG>: Strong Emphasis

This element is intended to display the enclosed text with a stronger emphasis than when the <EM> tag is used. This tag has the following attributes:

The following is an example of <STRONG>:

This is something I want you to pay <STRONG>attention</STRONG> to.

<SUB>: Subscript

This Netscape proposed extension will force the browser to display the enclosed text as subscripts. It has the following attributes:

The following is an example of <SUB>:

This word is a <SUB>subscript</SUB> of the other words.

<SUP>: Superscript

This Netscape proposed extension will force the browser to display the enclosed text as superscripts. It has the following attributes:

The following is an example of <SUP>:

This word is a <SUP>superscript</SUP> of the other words.

<TAB>: Tab Alignment

This proposed @HTML 3 element will force the enclosed text to be aligned by defined horizontal positions. This tag has the following attributes:

The following is an example of <TAB>:

<TAB ALIGN="center">This text will be aligned by a tab stop.

<TABLE>: Table

This element is used to define a series of rows as table cells. Table elements are defined by <TR> elements. This element has the following attributes:

The following is an example of <TABLE>:

<TABLE ALIGN="center" COLS=5 WIDTH=20 CELLPADDING=5>[Table definition]</TABLE>

<TBODY>: Table Body

This proposed @HTML element is used to enclose a series of table rows. This tag is not widely supported. There are a number of attributes available for this element:

The following is an example of <TBODY>:

<TBODY>[Table row information.]</TBODY>

<TD>: Table Data

This element is used to define a particular cell in a table. This tag has the following attributes:

The following is an example of <TD>:

<TD ALIGN="center" WIDTH=20>A table cell</TD>

<TEXTAREA>: Text Area Form

This element is used to create a form input that takes up multiple lines. This @HTML tag has the following attributes:

The following is an example of <TEXTAREA>:


<TFOOT>: Table Footer

This proposed HTML 3 element will enable you to specify the attributes for a group of table rows. Depending on the browser, these attributes will be applied across multiple browser pages, as table footers. That is, separate @HTML documents will not be affected by the @TFOOT element, rather the way it is displayed is affected. The browser will display the table as its breaks across browser page boundaries. The table rows to be defined are enclosed within the start and end markers for the tag. This element has the following attributes:

The following is an example of <TFOOT>:

<TFOOT>This is a table footer.</TFOOT>

<TH>: Table Header

The text enclosed within this @HTML tag, becomes a table header. This element has the following attributes:

The following is an example of <TH>:

<TH VALIGN="middle" WIDTH=50>Table Header</TH>

<THEAD>: Table Header

This proposed HTML 3 element enables you to specify the attributes for a group of table rows. Depending on the browser, these attributes will be applied across multiple browser pages, as table headers. That is, separate @HTML documents will not be affected by the @TFOOT element, rather the way it is displayed is affected. The browser will display the table as its breaks across browser page boundaries. The table rows to be defined are enclosed within the start and end markers for the tag. This element has the following attributes:

The following is an example of <THEAD>:

<THEAD>This is a table header.</THEAD>

<TITLE>: Title

This @HTML element defines the enclosed text as the title for the current @Web page.

The following is an example of <TITLE>:

<TITLE>My Home Page</TITLE>

<TR>: Table Row

This @HTML tag defines a table row for a <TBODY>, <TFOOT>, or <THEAD>. This element has the following attributes:

The following is an example of <TR>:

<TR><TD>Table Data</TD>

<TT>: Teletype

This @HTML element displays all of the enclosed text as a @teletype. Typically, the width of each of the characters will be exactly the same. You can set the following attributes:

The following is an example of <TT>:

This text will be displayed as <TT>teletype characters</TT>.

<UL>: Unordered List

This element shows enclosed <LI> elements as a bulleted (unordered) list. This @HTML tag has the following attributes:

The following is an example of <UL>:

<UL><LI>A list item.</LI></UL>

<VAR>: Variable

This @HTML element displays the enclosed text as a variable. This tag has the following attributes:

The following is an example of <VAR>:

Set <VAR>myvar</VAR> equal to 0.

<WBR>: Word Break

This Netscape proposed extension forces a word break to occur. This is mainly used if you want to force a word break in the middle of a non-breaking HTML element. It has no attributes.

The following is an example of <WBR>:

A line break will occur now.<WBR>

<XMP>: Multi-Line Text

This @HTML element displays the enclosed text as is. No text formatting by the browser will be done to the enclosed text. This tag has the following attributes:

The following is an example of <XMP>:

This text will appear as you see it.
There are no special HTML elements to create
the line breaks you see.

Special Characters

@HTML allows for the insertion of any character defined in the @ISO 8859-1 character set, into @Web pages. These characters may not always be visible to all browsers, but they are defined as available entities. @Table A lists all the special characters with their corresponding @HTML code. If you want to put a particular character in your Web page, simply type in the entire string under the "HTML Code" heading. Some of the characters have two possible HTML codes, so simply use one of them. Be sure to include the ampersand (&) before the code, and the semi-colon (;) after the code.Table A-HTML Codes for ISO 8859-1 Characters

Description of Character HTML Code Example of Character
Quotation mark &quot; "
Ampersand &amp; &
Less-than sign &lt; <
Greater-than sign &gt; >
Non-breaking space &nbsp;
Inverted exclamation mark &iexcl;
Cent sign &cent;
Pound sterling &pound;
General currency sign &curren;
Yen sign &yen;
Broken vertical bar &brvbar; or &brkbar;
Section sign &sect;
Umlaut (dieresis) &uml; or &die;
Copyright &copy; ©
Feminine ordinal &ordf;
Left angle quote (guillemotleft) &laquo;
Not sign &not;
Soft hyphen &shy;
Registered trademark &reg; ®
Macron accent &macr; or &hibar;
Degree sign &deg;
Plus or minus &plusmn;
Superscript two &sup2;
superscript three &sup3;
Acute accent &acute;
Micro sign &micro;
Paragraph sign &para;
Middle dot &middot;
Cedilla &cedil;
Superscript one &sup1;
Masculine ordinal &ordm;
Right angle quote (guillemotright)
Fraction one-fourth &frac14;
Fraction one-half &frac12;
Fraction three-fourths &frac34;
Inverted question mark &iquest;
capital A, grave accent &Agrave;
Capital A, acute accent &Aacute;
Capital A, circumflex accent &Acirc;
Capital A, tilde &Atilde;
Capital A, umlaut (dieresis) &Auml;
Capital A, ring &Aring;
Capital AE, diphthong (ligature) &Aelig;
Capital C, cedilla &Ccedil;
Capital E, grave accent &Egrave;
Capital E, acute accent &Eacute;
Capital E, circumflex accent &Ecirc;
Capital E, umlaut (dieresis) &Euml;
Capital I, grave accent &Igrave;
Capital I, acute accent &Iacute;
Capital I, circumflex accent &Icirc;
Capital I, umlaut (dieresis) &Iuml;
Capital Eth, Icelandic &ETH; or &Dstrok;
Capital N, tilde &Ntilde;
Capital O, grave accent &Ograve;
Capital O, acute accent &Oacute;
Capital O, circumflex accent &Ocirc;
Capital O, tilde &Otilde;
Capital O, umlaut (dieresis) &Ouml;
Multiply sign &times;
Capital O, slash &Oslash;
Capital U, grave accent &Ugrave;
Capital U, acute accent &Uacute;
Capital U, circumflex accent &Ucirc;
Capital U, umlaut (dieresis) &Uuml;
Capital Y, acute accent &Yacute;
Capital THORN, Icelandic &THORN;
Small sharp s, German (sz ligature) &szlig;
Small a, grave accent &agrave;
Small a, acute accent &aacute;
Small a, circumflex accent &acirc;
Small a, tilde &atilde;
Small a, umlaut (dieresis) &auml;
Small a, ring &aring;
Small ae diphthong (ligature) &aelig;
Small c, cedilla &ccedil;
Small e, grave accent &egrave;
Small e, acute accent &eacute;
Small e, circumflex accent &ecirc;
Small e, umlaut (dieresis) &euml;
Small i, grave accent &igrave;
Small i, acute accent &iacute;
Small i, circumflex accent &icirc;
Small i, umlaut (dieresis) &iuml;
Small eth, Icelandic &eth;
Small n, tilde &ntilde;
Small o, grave accent &ograve;
Small o, acute accent &oacute;
Small o, circumflex accent &ocirc;
Small o, tilde &otilde;
Small o, umlaut (dieresis) &ouml;
Division sign &divide;
Small o, slash &oslash;
Small u, grave accent &ugrave;
Small u, acute accent &uacute;
Small u, circumflex accent &ucirc;
Small u, umlaut (dieresis) &uuml;
Small y, acute accent &yacute;
Small thorn, Icelandic &thorn;
Small y, umlaut (dieresis) &yuml;

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