Java Platform 1.2

Uses of Interface

Packages that use PublicKey Provides the classes and interfaces for the security framework. Provides classes and interfaces for parsing and managing certificates. Provides interfaces for generating RSA (Rivest, Shamir and Adleman AsymmetricCipher algorithm) keys as defined in the RSA Laboratory Technical Note PKCS#1, and DSA (Digital Signature Algorithm) keys as defined in NIST's FIPS-186. 

Uses of PublicKey in

Methods in that return PublicKey
 PublicKey Identity.getPublicKey()
          Deprecated. Returns this identity's public key.
protected abstract  PublicKey KeyFactorySpi.engineGeneratePublic(KeySpec keySpec)
          Generates a public key object from the provided key specification (key material).
 PublicKey KeyFactory.generatePublic(KeySpec keySpec)
          Generates a public key object from the provided key specification (key material).
 PublicKey KeyPair.getPublic()
          Returns a reference to the public key component of this key pair.
 PublicKey Certificate.getPublicKey()
          Deprecated. Returns the key of the principal-key pair being guaranteed by the guarantor.

Methods in with parameters of type PublicKey
 boolean SignedObject.verify(PublicKey verificationKey, Signature verificationEngine)
          Verifies that the signature in this SignedObject is the valid signature for the object stored inside, with the given verification key, using the designated verification engine.
protected abstract  void SignatureSpi.engineInitVerify(PublicKey publicKey)
          Initializes this signature object with the specified public key for verification operations.
 void Identity.setPublicKey(PublicKey key)
          Deprecated. Sets this identity's public key.
abstract  Identity IdentityScope.getIdentity(PublicKey key)
          Deprecated. Retrieves the identity with the specified public key.
 void Signature.initVerify(PublicKey publicKey)
          Initializes this object for verification.

Constructors in with parameters of type PublicKey
KeyPair.KeyPair(PublicKey publicKey, PrivateKey privateKey)
          Constructs a key pair from the given public key and private key.

Uses of PublicKey in

Methods in that return PublicKey
abstract  PublicKey Certificate.getPublicKey()
          Gets the public key from this certificate.

Methods in with parameters of type PublicKey
abstract  void Certificate.verify(PublicKey key)
          Verifies that this certificate was signed using the private key that corresponds to the specified public key.
abstract  void Certificate.verify(PublicKey key, String sigProvider)
          Verifies that this certificate was signed using the private key that corresponds to the specified public key.
abstract  void X509CRL.verify(PublicKey key)
          Verifies that this CRL was signed using the private key that corresponds to the given public key.
abstract  void X509CRL.verify(PublicKey key, String sigProvider)
          Verifies that this CRL was signed using the private key that corresponds to the given public key.

Uses of PublicKey in

Subinterfaces of PublicKey in
 interface DSAPublicKey
          The interface to a DSA public key.
 interface RSAPublicKey
          The interface to an RSA public key.

Java Platform 1.2

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