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Once a code signing infrastructure is in place, you will be able to know reliably who vouches for each Java program. The next link in the chain is figuring out what to do with that knowledge. One thing you can certainly do is to relax Java's security rules for applets that you trust. For example, with the default sandbox Java normally prohibits any access to files in order to prevent an applet from corrupting your hard drive or reading your private data. If you trust applets from particular sources, though, you might want to allow them to read files. Introducing permissions granted according to trust level opens up vast new application areas, including things like spreadsheet applets, games with stored high scores, Web sites that recall your preferences, a host of different remote management possibilities, and so on. Besides access to files, there are many other capabilities you might want to grant a trusted applet or application: access to your machine's microphone and camera, freedom to make network connections, and maybe even freedom to label other code as trusted. It all depends on your decision to trust and how much to trust a signed program. There are several ways you can make these decisions.
The first decision is whether to use a black-and-white or a shades-of-gray policy. A black-and-white policy is one that divides all programs into two groups: trusted and untrusted. This was the only sort of trust policy that was easy to implement using JDK 1.1. Java 2, however, changed all that. Java 2 makes it possible to create a shades-of-gray policy, allowing you to assign any degree of partial trust to a Java program. (Recall Figure 1.6 in Chapter 1.) Before Java came along, most Internet software worked on a black-and-white model. If someone offered to let you download a program, you had two choices: either you downloaded the program or you didn't. If you did, you were trusting the program completely since there was nothing to stop it from running wild on your machine. If you didn't download the program, you were treating it as completely untrusted. Java, with its security policies as implemented in the base sandbox, changed the rules a bit by making it easier to decide what to download in the first place. If an untrusted applet can't bite you, you might as well check it out. The black-and-white model is sometimes called the shrink-wrap model because it's similar to software you purchase. If you buy a software package from a reputable software store, you can reasonably assume that the software is safe to load on to your machine. People who use the term shrink-wrap model tend to assume that no one would ever want to run software that wasn't written by a large software company. We don't agree with that implication, so we'll stick with the term black-and-white. It might seem that the shades-of-gray model is better than the black-and-white model, because black-and-white only allows you to label programs as completely trusted or completely untrusted. On the other hand, shades-of-gray gives you more choices. You may still label an applet as completely trusted or completely untrusted if you wish. Choices are not always good, as anyone who has encountered the cereal aisle of a large supermarket can attest. Making choices takes up time that you would probably rather spend doing something else. Frequent decision-making saps your attention span, so you are more likely to make a mistake, thus opening yourself up to attack. Finally, having more options saddles your browser with more complicated record-keeping duties to keep track of all of your decisions. This extra complexity might lead to bugs in the browser, possibly jeopardizing security yet again. Which model is better, black-and-white or shades-of-gray? It depends on how people react to the two systems, which is hard to predict. Mostly likely, competing browsers will offer different models, and the models will fight it out in the marketplace. The decision is ultimately one of user preference.
Once you've decided who to trust, the next issue is what you allow trusted programs to do. If you're using the black-and-white model, then you have to decide whether to allow untrusted programs, like applets off unknown Web sites, to run at all. You also have to decide what extra capabilities, if any, you want to give to trusted programs. You might decide to let trusted programs do whatever they want, with no restrictions at all. Or you might decide to run trusted programs under the restrictive Java security rules of JDK 1.0.2. The choices depend on your taste for risk, and what kinds of programs you want to run. With black-and-white security, however, all the programs you trust receive the same level of trust. If you're using a shades-of-gray model, you face more choices. You may decide on a program-by-program (or signer-by-signer) basis exactly which capabilities to grant. Rather than presenting you with a huge laundry list of possible capabilities for each program and forcing you to tick items off the list, a good browser will probably provide a way for you to grant certain prepackaged sets of capabilities. For example, there might be a set of permissions for videoconferencing applets, which would include things like permission to use the camera, the microphone, the speaker, the display, and networking access. Perhaps there would be another set of document-editing applet permissions, which would include file-creation, file-reading, and file-modification capabilities. There are two basic ways to group the mapping of program (or programs) to permission (or permissions). Microsoft's Authenticode system, introduced in Chapter 1, defines security zones, which are ways of grouping programs together. For example, all programs from a company intranet signed by the system administrator's key might comprise a zone. (These zones might well involve multiple keys and origins.) Policies can then be defined on a per-zone basis. Netscape defines macro targets, which are groups of permissions (as sketched in the previous paragraph). For example, a macro target might be called "typical game privileges" and define the permissions typically needed by a network-enabled game. Sun has a system of implication in which permission for code to use one resource can imply permission to use another resource. In their model, each resource is required to define an implies() method that can be used to ask a resource whether it implies a particular other permission. (More detail is provided later in this chapter.) All of these are examples of grouping signers or privileges together and treating the group as a unit. Grouping is generally a good idea in security management because it reduces the number of decisions that the user (or other policy-maker) faces. Fewer decisions means more attention paid to each decision and hence, better decisions. JDK 1.1, which introduced the concept of a signed applet, provides a black-and-white model. A digitally signed applet can be treated as trusted local code as long as the signature key is recognized as trusted by the system finally running the code. Java 2 provides a shades-of-gray model.
Chapter... Preface -- 1 -- 2 -- 3 -- 4 -- 5 -- 6 -- 7 -- 8 -- 9 -- A -- B -- C -- Refs
Copyright ©1999 Gary McGraw and Edward Felten. |