Securing Java

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Beyond the Sandbox: Signed Code and Java 2
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Section 1 -- What's the Main Goal?

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Everyone agrees that code signing makes the Java security model a lot more complicated, not to mention actually using the new system. Where security is concerned, complexity is bad since it increases the odds of an error in the system's design or implementation. If we're going to add all of this complexity, what exactly is it that we are gaining? What's the main goal?

The main goal is to gain better control over the security of mobile code. We can achieve this goal by winning the battle on three fronts. By adding code signing and expanding beyond a black-and-white trust model, we hope to gain:

  1. The ability to grant privileges when they're needed.
  2. The ability to have code operate with the minimum necessary privileges.
  3. The ability to closely manage the system's security configuration.
We can judge the JDK 1.1 and Java 2 security models by how well they meet these objectives.

The first objective is simple: We want to give trusted code the privileges it needs to get its job done. A word-processing applet needs the ability to read and write files, so we want to grant this privilege if we have enough faith that the applet won't misbehave. In general, users want to be able to grant any privileges at all to any code they choose, as long as the benefits of doing so outweigh the risks.

The second objective is to have code that operates with the minimum necessary privileges at all times. Security experts call this the "principle of least privilege." This is a common-sense idea-why use a chain saw when a butter knife is sharp enough for the job-but it has profound implications if we carry it to its logical conclusion. One simple implication is that we want programmers to have a way to renounce their privileges when they aren't needed and reenable the privileges when they are needed. The principle of least privilege can be applied in many places throughout the system:

  • We want to grant each applet or application the minimum privileges it needs.
  • Rather than assigning a given applet's entire collection of privileges to all of its classes, we want each class to get just what it needs.
  • We want a class's privileges to be "turned off" except for brief periods of time.
  • We even want to reduce the privileges of some of the built-in system classes.
The third objective is manageability. This is a tricky one. Some might think that the ultimate in management power is when all possible options are presented to the user. (Power users, developers, and other gurus tend to think along these lines.) But in reality, users are overwhelmed and irritated when they are confronted with too many big complicated dialog boxes. Somehow the choices must be boiled down so that users get just the control they need without being asked any unnecessary questions.

As we see in the rest of this chapter, the Java security model is still a work in progress. Nobody knows yet how to achieve all of these goals, or even how they trade off against each other. Today's models are pretty good, but they are a far cry from perfect.

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Copyright ©1999 Gary McGraw and Edward Felten.
All rights reserved.
Published by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.