1998 Teams
2000 Teams


This page collects links to binaries and/or sources of RoboCup teams. If you want to add your team to this list please let me know! Remember that if you participated in RoboCup'99 in Stockholm you are required to add your team (according to the regulations).

Teams list 1999

Team name Home page Binaries Sources OS E-mail Description
  FreeBSD 3.x, Linux S. Kinoshita  
AT_Humboldt99     Linux Thomas Meinert The At_Humboldt99 simulator team uses a BDI agent architecture and is written in C++.
Brainstormers     Linux M. Riedmiller  
SunOS, Solaris, Linux P. Stone M. Veloso P. Riley The CMUnited-98 simulator team uses several novel multi-agent techniques to achieve adaptive coordination including layered learning and locker-room agreements.
SunOS, Solaris, Linux P. Stone P. Riley M. Veloso The CMUnited-99 simulator team is the 1999 world champion of RoboCup competition.
Cyberoos99     Linux M. Prokopenko Architecture of Cyberoos99 agents attempts to systematically categorise increasing levels of reasoning abilities (situated, tactical, etc.) according to types of (emergent) behaviour. Written in C++.
Erika     Linux with Allegro CL T. Matsumura Written in Common Lisp. Higher Layer made by my Graph Editor.
Essex Wizards   Linux RedHat 6.0 K. Kostiadis The Essex Wizards performed well in Stockholm 1999 and finished third.
FCFoo   SunOS 5.7 F. Heintz FCFoo was built to test a library for building RoboCup teams, called RoboSoc.
Gongeroos99     Linux J.S. Lipman  
Headless Chickens III       Java P. Scerri HCIII performed well in Stockholm. It uses a graphical editor to develop the strategies of the team.
KU-Sakura2       - H. Igarashi  
IALP     Linux with ECL (Eco Common Lisp) A. Cisternino The layered planning approach is experimented. A language to express plans is used to define player's behaviors.
Kappa-II       Linux RedHat 6.0 I. Noda  
Kasugabito-III       T.&nsbp;Tomoichi  
Magma Freiburg   Windows NT 4 K. Dorer Magma Freiburg finished second in Stockholm 1999.
Mainz Rolling Brains     Solaris 2.6 F. Schulz  
NITStones99       - T. Esaki  
Oulu99       Linux J. Kemppainen  
Paso team     Linux E. Pagello  
Polytech100       Linux L. Stankevich  
Robolog 99     Linux RedHat 6.0, Solaris O. Obst A team written in C++ and Prolog. The Prolog Sources require ECLiPSe-Prolog and the Robolog-C++-Library
RoGi 2     Linux RH6.1 M. Montaner  
SP-United         V. Ching Choo 
Team-PSI       Linux A.N. Kozhushkin  
ULBS       Java C. Ciprian  
Ulm Sparrows 99       - S. Sablatnoeg  
YowAI       - T. Suzuki  
Zeng99       - T. Kubo  

Other links

URL Description The official RoboCup library page. You can find here libraries and code samples of RoboCup players. A RoboCup forum Virtual soccer: a virtual reality environment based on the RoboCup simulation. ISI Soccer Automated Assistant Coach (ISAAC): a program that analyze logfiles and return an evaluation of the two teams. RoboMon is a log player for the RoboCup simulation. It uses VRML and Java for displaying 3D versions of the games over the Web.

This page is maintained by Antonio Cisternino and Fredrik Heintz

Dipartimento di Informatica, Pisa, Italy