Java Platform 1.2

Uses of Class

Packages that use VMID
java.rmi.dgc Provides classes and interface for RMI distributed garbage-collection (DGC). 

Uses of VMID in java.rmi.dgc

Methods in java.rmi.dgc that return VMID
 VMID Lease.getVMID()
          Returns the client VMID associated with the lease.

Methods in java.rmi.dgc with parameters of type VMID
 void DGC.clean(ObjID[] ids, long sequenceNum, VMID vmid, boolean strong)
          The clean call removes the 'vmid' from the reference list of each remote object indicated in 'id's.

Constructors in java.rmi.dgc with parameters of type VMID
Lease.Lease(VMID id, long duration)
          Constructs a lease with a specific VMID and lease duration.

Java Platform 1.2

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