Java Platform 1.2

Uses of Class

Packages that use ActivationDesc
java.rmi.activation Provides support for RMI Object Activation. 

Uses of ActivationDesc in java.rmi.activation

Methods in java.rmi.activation that return ActivationDesc
 ActivationDesc ActivationSystem.setActivationDesc(ActivationID id, ActivationDesc desc)
          Set the activation descriptor, desc for the object with the activation identifier, id.
 ActivationDesc ActivationSystem.getActivationDesc(ActivationID id)
          Returns the activation descriptor, for the object with the activation identifier, id.

Methods in java.rmi.activation with parameters of type ActivationDesc
static Remote Activatable.register(ActivationDesc desc)
          Register an object descriptor for an activatable remote object so that is can be activated on demand.
 ActivationID ActivationSystem.registerObject(ActivationDesc desc)
          The registerObject method is used to register an activation descriptor, desc, and obtain an activation identifier for a activatable remote object.
 ActivationDesc ActivationSystem.setActivationDesc(ActivationID id, ActivationDesc desc)
          Set the activation descriptor, desc for the object with the activation identifier, id.
 MarshalledObject ActivationInstantiator.newInstance(ActivationID id, ActivationDesc desc)
          The activator calls an instantiator's newInstance method in order to recreate in that group an object with the activation identifier, id, and descriptor, desc.

Java Platform 1.2

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