Next: Fast and Dirty
Up: Advanced Lighting
Previous: Reflection vs. Illumination
- Radiance:
- Electromagnetic energy flux,
the amount of energy traveling
- at some point x
- in a specified direction ,
- per unit time
- per unit area perpendicular to the direction
- per unit solid angle
- for a specified wavelength
- denoted by
- Spectral Properties:
Total energy flux comes from flux at each wavelength
- Picture:
- For the indicated situation
- energy radiated through differential solid angle
- through/from differential area dx
- not perpendicular to direction (projected area is )
- during differential unit time dt
- Power:
- Energy per unit time (as in the picture)
- Radiosity:
- Total power leaving a surface point per unit area
(integral is over the hemisphere above the surface point)
- Bidirectional Reflectance Distribution Function:
- is a surface property at a point
- relates energy in to energy out
- depends on incoming and outgoing directions
- varies from wavelength to wavelength
- Definition: Ratio
- of radiance in the outgoing direction
- to radiant flux density for the incoming direction
- Energy Balance Equation:
is the radiance
- at wavelength
- leaving point x
- in direction ,
is the radiance emitted by the surface from the point
is the incident radiance impinging on the point
is the BRDF at the point
- describes the surface's interaction with light at the point
- the integration is over the hemisphere above the point
CS488/688: Introduction to Interactive Computer Graphics
University of Waterloo
Computer Graphics Lab