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Why Should I Convert to Swing?

The strongest reason to convert to Swing is because it offers many benefits to programmers and end users. Among them:

So the question becomes "Why shouldn't I convert to Swing?"

It's reasonable to put off converting if you don't think your users will be able run Swing programs conveniently. For example, if your program is an applet and you want anyone on the Internet to be able to use it, then you have to consider how many Web surfers have browsers that can run Swing programs. As of this writing, the major browsers don't have Swing support built in; the user must add it by downloading and installing Java Plug-in.

You have the choice of upgrading to Java 2 (JDK 1.2) when you convert to Swing. However, you don't need to decide right now whether to upgrade. Programs written with JDK 1.1 and Swing work just fine in Java 2. For information about new and improved features of Java 2, see Tables of JDK Features(in the Overview trail).

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