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Converting to Swing

This Lesson is Under Construction! We are providing this lesson in draft form to provide you with the latest information available and so that we can get feedback on it. Please send us mail with your comments, and put Converting to Swing in the subject of your message.
This lesson talks about why and how to convert your 1.1 AWT-based programs to use the Swing components. If a program is written for JDK 1.0.2, you should convert it to 1.1 first. Refer to Migrating to 1.1(in the new JDK 1.1 documentation) for information and instructions on converting from 1.0.2 to 1.1.

Why Should I Convert to Swing?

Swing provides many benefits to programmers and end users. For a complete list of Swing features, see Swing Features and Concepts(in the Creating a User Interface trail). Another good resource is How Are Swing Components Different from AWT Components?(in the Creating a User Interface trail). Unless you have a good reason not to convert, we urge you to convert to Swing as soon as possible.

How Do I Convert My Programs to Swing?

This section outlines a procedure for converting your programs to Swing. The good news is that converting 1.1 AWT-based programs to Swing is pretty straightforward. The bad news is that we don't know of any automatic tools for doing so. If you develop one, please send us mail and let us know.

Conversion Resources

This section provides several resources to help you with your conversion, including examples and a section about solving common conversion problems.

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