Class TabellaIntorni


public class TabellaIntorni
extends java.lang.Object

Implement neighborhood table, which associates a pair for each term, where match is the matching word and weight is the weight of the match. A term is a (sequence of) words.

Field Summary
 int maxLength
          Max lenght for titles or neighbour terms
Constructor Summary
TabellaIntorni(java.lang.String nomeFile)
          Legge una neighborhood table da file.
Method Summary
 void addWords(java.util.Enumeration e)
          This function is called to add each word in a category title with self as neighbour This is because the phrase analyzer discards any word not present in any neighborhood It also counts words in title.
 boolean exists(java.lang.String word)
 float get(java.lang.String term1, java.lang.String term2)
 java.util.Hashtable getIntorni()
 java.util.Enumeration keys()
 void update(java.lang.String word, java.lang.String key, float weight)
          Updates neighborhood table adding pair in corresposndece to word key.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public int maxLength
Max lenght for titles or neighbour terms
Constructor Detail


public TabellaIntorni(java.lang.String nomeFile)
Legge una neighborhood table da file.
Il file e' organizzato come segue:
         term1,1 , w1,1
         term1,2 , w1,2
         term1,N1 , w1,N1
         termM,1 , wM,1
         termM,NM , wM,NM
Il termI,J e' nell'intorno di termI con peso wI,J.

I terminiI iniziano alla prima colonna.
Le righe contenenti i terminiI,J iniziano con un carattere di tabulazione.
Le linee che iniziano con # sono scartate.

Si assume che i termini siano stati gia' normalizzati.

Method Detail


public java.util.Hashtable getIntorni()


public boolean exists(java.lang.String word)


public void addWords(java.util.Enumeration e)
This function is called to add each word in a category title with self as neighbour This is because the phrase analyzer discards any word not present in any neighborhood It also counts words in title.


public void update(java.lang.String word,
                   java.lang.String key,
                   float weight)
Updates neighborhood table adding pair in corresposndece to word key.
Se esiste gia' una coppia si limita ad aggiornare il peso.


public float get(java.lang.String term1,
                 java.lang.String term2)
il peso di term1 rispetto a term2.


public java.util.Enumeration keys()
Enumeration of keys in table.