Resources for the task Dependency Parsing for Information Extraction (DPIE)
- Training and validation data:
Download DPIE_Development_DS
Update: download DPIE_Development_DS_1
Error signaling and suggestions for improving the quality of annotations are welcome
- Evaluation script from CoNLL-07:
- The evaluation package DPIE, including the conversion script into the collapsed-propagated version of the SD (SDtoRels), and the evaluation script focusing on IE-relevant relations (evalRels) is now available for download.
Download Evaluation package for DPIE
- Test data (blind):
Download DPIE_Test_DS
Resources for the task Cross-Language dependency Parsing (CLaP)
- Italian training data, plus validation data for nine languages other than Italian (English data are to be obtained separately):
Download CLaP_Development_DS
Update: download CLaP_Development_DS_1
Error signaling and suggestions for improving the quality of annotations are welcome - EVALITA_CLaP_English_Development, the validation data for English, can be obtained from LDC, after signing the following licence:
Participants to the task should send a signed copy of this agreement by facsimile to LDC, Attention: Ilya Ahtaridis, fax number (+1) 215-573-2175. Alternatively, they can e-mail an electronic version of the signed agreement to LDC at the following address:
- Test data (blind):
Download CLaP_Test_DS