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Events Generated by Swing Components

This section summarizes what events can be generated by which Swing components, focusing on the events that typical programs handle. Events generated by Swing components fall into three categories:

Commonly Handled Events that All Swing Components Can Generate

Because all Swing components descend from the AWT Component class, all Swing components support the following AWT-defined events:
Component Events
Notify listeners of changes in the component's size, position, or visibility.
Focus Events
Notify listeners that the component gained or lost the ability to receive keyboard input.
Key Events
Notify listeners of key presses; generated only by the component that has the current keyboard focus.
Mouse Events
Notify listeners of mouse clicks and the user moving the cursor into or out of the component's drawing area.
Mouse Motion Events
Notify listeners of changes in the cursor's position over the component.

Although all Swing components descend from the AWT Container class, many of them aren't used as containers. So technically speaking any Swing component can generate container events, which notify listeners that a component has been added to or removed from the container. However, realistically speaking only containers such as panels, frames, and so on, generate container events.

Other Commonly Handled Events

The following table lists commonly handled events that various Swing components generate.

Note: An asterisk '*' in a column header indicates an AWT-defined event. All other event types in the table are defined in javax.swing.event.
Swing Component Types of Events Generated and Commonly Handled
   ( JColorChooser's default selection model.)
Note: This is not a JComponent subclass!
   ( JTextComponent's data model.)
Note: This is not a JComponent subclass!
      X       X  
JButton X   X     X      
JCheckBox X   X     X      
JComboBox X         X      
JDialog                 X
JEditorPane   X              
JFileChooser X                
JFrame                 X
JInternalFrame         X        
JList             X    
JMenuItem X   X     X      
JOptionpane                 X
JPasswordField X X              
JProgressBar     X            
JRadioButton X   X     X      
JSlider     X            
JTabbedPane     X            
JTextArea   X              
JTextComponent   X              
JTextField X X              
JTextPane   X              
JToggleButton X   X     X      
JViewport     X            
   ( JList's default selection model.)
Note: This is not a JComponent subclass!
Note: This is not a JComponent subclass!

Events Not Commonly Handled

For the record, this section lists other events that Swing components can generate but that typical programs don't need to handle.

All components that inherit from JComponent can generate the events described in the following list.

Ancestor Events(in the API reference documentation)
A component generates ancestor events when one of its containment ancestors is added to or removed from a container, hidden, made visible, or moved. This event type is an implementation detail and can generally be ignored.
Property Change Events(in the API reference documentation)
Defined in java.beans Swing components generate this type of event because they are JavaBeans compliant. Beans use property change events to implement bound properties(in the JavaBeans trail).
Vetoable Change Events(in the API reference documentation)
Defined in java.beans Swing components generate this type of event because they are JavaBeans compliant. Beans use vetoable change events to implement constrained properties(in the JavaBeans trail).
The following table lists all the other events defined in javax.swing.event not previously mentioned. [PENDING: make these api links?] [PENDING: this tutorial *should* cover the table and tree events]
Cell Editor Events Menu Key Events Tree Expansion Events
Hyperlink Events Menu Events Tree Model Events
List Data Events Popup Menu Events Tree Selection Events
Menu Drag Mouse Events Table Model Events Tree Will Expand Events

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