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Learning the Java Language: End of Trail

You've reached the end of the "Learning the Java Language" trail.

Take a break -- have a cup of steaming hot java.

What next?

Once you've caught your breath, you have several choices of where to go next. You can go back to the Trail Map to see all of your choices, or you can go directly to one of the following popular trails:

Writing Applets: The next trail in the tutorial: this is the starting point for learning everything about writing applets.

Essential Java Classes: Learn about the most-used clasess in the JDK APIs including String, System, Thread and the classes in

Creating a GUI with JFC/Swing: Once you know how to create applications or applets, follow this trail to learn how to create their user interfaces.

Custom Networking and Security: If you're interested in writing applications or applets that use the network, follow this trail. You'll learn about URLs, sockets, datagrams, and security.

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