Search Engines and Question Answering
Docente |
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Ufficio: 292 |
Data |
Materiale |
Argomento |
12/11/03 |
Information Retrieval Models; ranked retrieval; text similarity metrics; TF-IDF weighting; cosine similarity; performance metrics: precision, recall, F-measure. |
19/11/03 |
Indexing and Search |
Web dynamics; Crawl Strategies; Focused Crawling; Distributed Crawling;
Crawler Architecture; Refresh Strategies; Duplicate and Mirror Detection. |
Text Analysis. |
26/11/03 |
Question Answering |
Date |
Title |
Speaker |
14/05/04 |
Iwona Bialynicka-Birula |
14/05/04 |
Claudio Scordino |
26/05/04 |
Razvan-andrei Popescu |
14/05/04 |
Maurizio Atzori |
Modern Information Retrieval,
R. Baeza-Yates, B. Ribeiro-Nieto,
Addison Wesley,
Managing Gigabytes,
2nd Edition,
I.H. Witten, A. Moffat, T.C. Bell,
Morgan Kaufmann,
Foundations of Statistical Natural Language Processing,
C. Manning and Shutze,
MIT Press,
Mining the Web: Analysis of Hypertext and Semi Structured Data,
Soumen Chakrabarti,
Morgan Kaufmann,