Next: Specification of Camera
Up: Animating Camera Motion
Previous: Cinematics of Camera
- Dolly:
- Move forward, along the line of sight of the camera
(towards the object of interest).
- Track:
- Move horizontally, perpendicular to the line of
sight of the camera. More generally, move in a horizontal
- Crane:
- Raise the camera vertically.
- Tilt (Bank):
- Rotate about the horizontal axis perpendicular to the
line of sight of the camera.
- Pan (Yaw):
- Rotate about the vertical axis of the camera (after tilt).
In addition, cameras have other parameters that can be animated:
- Zoom (in, out):
- Change the angular field of view of the camera.
- Focus:
- Change the focal depth, i.e. the distance at which
objects are in focus.
- Depth of Field:
- Changing the aperture size has the effect
of changing the depth of field, i.e. the range of depths over which
objects can be considered to be in focus.
CS488/688: Introduction to Interactive Computer Graphics
University of Waterloo
Computer Graphics Lab