Next: Projective Space
Up: Splines
Previous: Spline Continuity
- General B-Splines
- Nonuniform B-splines (NUBS) generalize this construction
- A B-spline,
, is a piecewise polynomial:
- each of its segments is of degree
- it is defined for all t
- its segmentation is give by knots
- it is zero for
- it may have a discontinuity in its d-k+1 derivative at
has multiplicity k
- it is nonnegative for
and all other
are zero on this interval
- Bézier blending functions are the special case where
all knots have multiplicity d+1
- Example (Quadratic):
- Evaluation
- There is an efficient, recursive evaluation scheme for any curve point
- It generalizes the triangle scheme (de Casteljau) for Bézier curves
- Example (for cubics and
CS488/688: Introduction to Interactive Computer Graphics
University of Waterloo
Computer Graphics Lab