struct he { struct he* sym; struct he* next; struct he* prev; struct vert* v; struct face* f; void* data; } struct vert { struct he* rep; void* data; } struct face { struct he* rep; void* data; }
struct face* f; struct he* e; struct he* s; struct he* fl[LOTS]; int i; s = e = f->rep; i = 0; do { fl[i++] = e->sym->f; e = e->next; } while (e != s);
RemoveEdge(struct he* e) { /* fix edge->edge pointers */ e->prev->next = e->sym->next; e->next->prev = e->sym->prev; e->sym->next->prev = e->prev; e->sym->prev->next = e->next; /* fix edge->face pointers */ ee = e->sym->next; while (ee != e->sym) { ee->f = e->f; ee = ee->next; } /* fix face->edge pointers */ e->f->rep = e->prev; /* fix vertex->edge pointers */ e->v->rep = e->sym->prev; e->sym->v->rep = e->prev; DeleteFace(e->sym->f); DeleteEdge(e); }
Set sym pointer to NULL
where B is number of boundaries
Representations and rolls are identical
Vertices with arbitrary number of neighbors
ForeachMeshFace(m,f) { p = SplitFace3to1(f); SetPosition(P,x,y,z); }