
The material is organized in three sections
Why Object Orientation?
Key Concepts of Object Orientation
Object Oriented Tools and Applications
There is also a suggested course path, (see navigation), leading you through these three sections. This path will enable you to read about, and to practise, the concepts and the terminology in a structured manner. In parallell to following the course path, you may use the dictionary, the OOFAQ and the bibliography.

In parallell, or instead of, following the suggested path, you may use the material and learn about this subject entirely in your own way.

Each section (WHY, WHAT and HOW) starts with a short summary with hyper-text links. From these summary documents you may get on the course path, or you may use the hyper-text links to learn about a subject of your choice.

Some subjects have links to documents with additional information, which you may follow if you are interested.


© Ericsson Telecom AB, 1995, Stockholm, Sweden