EVALITA 2011 - Super Sense Tagging task

User agreement for the resource ISST-SST
in the EVALITA 2011 shared task

I will use the data of the ISST-SST corpus for research purposes only. I will not distribute the data or part of them either in original or modified form.

I will cite the following reference in any publication reporting about results obtained on these data:

G. Attardi, S. Dei Rossi, G. Di Pietro, A. Lenci, S. Montemagni, M. Simi, A Resource and Tool for Super-sense Tagging of Italian Texts, Proceedings of 7th Language Resources and Evaluation Conference (LREC 2010), Malta, 17-23 May 2010.

G. Attardi et al. 2008. Tanl (Text Analytics and Natural Language processing). Project Analisi di Testi per il Semantic Web e il Question Answering, http://medialab.di.unipi.it/wiki/SemaWiki.

Agree    Disagree
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