EVALITA 2009 - PoS Tagging task

User agreement for the resource Repubblica-TANL
in the EVALITA shared task

I will use the data of the Repubblica corpus, modified to comply with the TANL tagging schema (Repubblica-TANL) for research purposes only. I will not distribute the data or part of them either in original or modified form.

I will cite the following reference in any publication reporting about results obtained on these data:

E. Zanchetta, M. Baroni. 2005. Morph-it! A free corpus-based morphological resource for the Italian language. Proc. of Corpus Linguistics 2005, University of Birmingham, Birmingham, UK. http://dev.sslmit.unibo.it/linguistics/morph-it.php

G. Attardi et al. 2008. Tanl (Text Analytics and Natural Language processing). Project Analisi di Testi per il Semantic Web e il Question Answering, http://medialab.di.unipi.it/wiki/SemaWiki.

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