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Java security is a hot topic, but that does not make it an easy one. By itself, computer security is not well-understood. Throw Java into the mix and things become even murkier. There is much confusion and misinformation floating around about Java and security. Beware of snake oil, impossible claims, and consultants who pretend to have all the answers. Also be aware that major vendors are just as capable of misinformation as fly-by-night companies. Skepticism, Rene Descartes' 300-year-old philosophical insight, is strangely relevant to computer security at the turn of the millennium. In fact, skepticism turns out to be an excellent strategy. Ask hard questions; you might be surprised by the answers.
The most pressing security concerns surrounding Java impact millions of people-that is, anyone who browses the Web. Given that there are tens of millions of Netscape Navigator and Microsoft Internet Explorer users, the client security issue is no minor detail.1 It turns out that a majority of the users of these browsers are also Java users, whether they know it or not. Java is built in to Netscape Navigator and Internet Explorer, so if you use either of these products, you are a Java user. 1 Just as all Internet users are taking security risks, all Java users are taking security risks. Because of the way Java works, computer security issues are a fundamental concern. Most Java code is automatically downloaded across the network and runs on your machine. This makes it very important to limit the sorts of things that Web-based Java programs can do. Simply put, a hostile Java program could trash your machine. Because Java is inherently Web-based, it provides crackers with an easy way to implement a Trojan Horse-a program that may seem innocent enough on the surface, but is actually filled with well-armed Greeks. Also of concern is the problem of computer virus propagation. Fortunately, the creators of Java have made a good effort to protect users from these hazards. For example, writing a Web-based Java virus as an applet would be very hard. (Writing a Microsoft Word macro virus like the concept virus is, by contrast, easy.) Because mobile code security is new, difficult, and complicated, Java's masters have not always been successful at protecting everyone all the time. One goal of this book is to educate Java users about the risks that they incur by surfing the World Wide Web with Java-enabled browsers. This chapter provides a gentle introduction to Java and explains why Java is potentially dangerous.
Java security is essential to developers as well. As a platform, Java has much to offer in terms of security:
A second goal of this book is to teach Java developers and project managers about the sorts of things that will confront their code in "the wild." If you're a seasoned Java developer (something that it was impossible to be a mere handful of years ago), this book will show you in great detail how the security model works. There are lessons to be learned from the Java attacks we cover. After all, like you, Java's designers and developers were serious about what they were doing. As we have seen, however, even the most subtle bug can be turned into a security disaster.
Today's system administrator is seriously overworked, and security is a big part of the problem. The days of the isolated Local Area Network (LAN) are behind us. Now, most networks are connected directly to the Internet, which means security is more important than ever. Some early adopters and sites with a lot to lose try to protect themselves with advanced security mechanisms such as firewalls, secure shells, and virtual private networks. Many sites, however, have a long way to go before they are "secure enough" (whatever that means). Mobile code systems, including Java, make administering site security trickier. The problem is that users want Java content, but system administrators don't want to take on unnecessary risks. This is a classic example of the well-known tradeoff in computer security between functionality and security. Computer security boils down to managing risks, which in turn implies that the way to make better-informed decisions is to get a handle on the risks. A third goal of this book is to present an informed discussion of the real risks of mobile code. Burying your head in the sand like an ostrich is not a good solution, because security problems are unlikely to miraculously disappear. However, the risks do not necessarily warrant throwing the Java baby out with the bath water. Such a move may leave your users high and dry. Even if the risks turn out to be too much to bear (a decision that is very much context dependent), system administrators need to be wary of snake-oil "solutions" to the mobile code problem. There are a number of products on the market that purport to improve Java security. The question is, do they work? We will delve into these issues as well.
Making informed business decisions at the edge of the technology curve has never been an easy task. In addition to the technological concerns discussed earlier, there are often intangible factors to consider. What impact will perceived security risks (whether justifiable or imagined) have on potential customers? Is Java the best platform to use when designing e-commerce systems? How will the use of Java within an enterprise affect security risks? What are the security challenges in designing and deploying database-backed Web servers and three-tier applications? It is surprising that some of the same companies that disallow the use of Java (often for silly reasons) expect their customers and business partners not to disallow Java. The information in this book can help business managers and leaders make better decisions about Java security. Good data are essential to decision-making, but sometimes good data are hard to find.
Chapter... Preface -- 1 -- 2 -- 3 -- 4 -- 5 -- 6 -- 7 -- 8 -- 9 -- A -- B -- C -- Refs
Copyright ©1999 Gary McGraw and Edward Felten. |