Securing Java

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How to Sign Java Code
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Section 8 -- In Conclusion

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Both Netscape and Microsoft have provided browser-specific methods for leaving their sandboxes. Both rely on external Certificate Authorities to manage identities, but the same certificate used for Netscape cannot be used for Microsoft. Netscape requires applets to use special classes to take advantage of code signing. Microsoft also provides a vendor-specific API for certain capabilities. Both take a similar approach when it comes to prompting the browser's user when certain applets attempt to leave the sandbox.

Sun has moved from a black-and-white security policy that allowed trusted code to do anything it wants to a shades-of-gray security policy by which only certain code from certain people can do certain things, depending upon configuration. However, in Java 2, unsigned code can be granted free reign of the system as well if the policy is configured as such. Having unsigned code play outside the sandbox is something that none of the other schemes allow.

Each of the four Java code-signing techniques discussed in this tutorial vary in their complexity level, have their own special tools for signing and key management, have different levels of support from VM to VM, and take different approaches to the user's interface to security controls. Considering that Java is meant to be a portable, mobile code system, the large number of compatibility issues surrounding code signing is worrisome. Developers want their applets to do more than the original JDK 1.0.2 sandbox model allowed, but with each vendor providing different ways for code to leave the sandbox, the goal of "sign once, leave the sandbox anywhere" seems highly unlikely.

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Copyright ©1999 Gary McGraw and Edward Felten.
All rights reserved.
Published by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.