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Writing Event Listeners

This lesson gives you details about writing event listeners. It assumes that you've already read and understood Event Handling(in the Creating a User Interface trail), which gives an overview of the event model.

In a way, this lesson is a last resort. Your first source of information for event handling should be the appropriate component's section in Using Swing Components(in the Creating a User Interface trail). Read this lesson if you're having trouble writing or understanding event handlers or if you can't find the information you need in the how-to page for your component.

Some Simple Event-Handling Examples

The applets in this section illustrate events and event handling.

General Rules for Writing Event Listeners

This section provides information that's useful for handling all types of events. To reduce unnecessary code, you can use adapters and inner classes to implement event handlers. This section shows how and when to do so.

Events Generated by Swing Components

With a quick glance at the list and tables in this section, you can learn the different kinds of events that Swing components can generate and which components generate them.

Handling Common Events

This section lists the commonly-handled events generated by Swing components and gives examples of handling each.

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