Curious Eye DHTML Tutorial

This tutorial covers the following techniques for building a fully interactive DHTML web site.

  • How to plan for a DHTML site.
  • Setting up your environment.
  • Creating DHTML specific graphics.
  • Creating DHTML layers.
  • Solving cross-browser compatibility issues.
  • Preloading images.
  • Positioning layers.
  • Animating images and layers.
  • Selecting and scrolling pages.
Credits & Legal Stuff

  1. You are encouraged to use the code and graphics anyway you want as long as you credit the Dynamic HTML Guru Resource and list our URL ( so others may learn.

  2. You may freely use all the source code and graphics found online or in the file, except for the Freefall logo.

  3. These web pages and the file are provided "as is" without warranty of any kind. Freefall Web Design Studio or publishing shall not be liable for any damages, direct or indirect, that may result from the use of these materials.

  4. The Freefall Web Design Studio logo is Copyright © 1998 by Jeff Rouyer, All Rights Reserved.

  5. There is NO technical support for the use, implementation and development of curious_eye pages and resources.

Jeff Rouyer (Freefall Web Design Studio) -